Gluten-Free Challah/Bread
Lalush by Iris
Jun 26, 2020
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Have you ever been able to braid gluten-free challah? No, right! Well, now you will be able to with Iris’s amazing, easy to make and delicious gluten-free challah recipe.
Iris’s Tip
Handle the dough very gently for best results.
3 1/2 cups of gluten-free flour
1 cup of warm water
1 tablespoon of dry yeast
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons of honey/date/maple syrup
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 large eggs
Optional: the seed of your choice for topping
1. In the mixer bowl, fitted with the dough hook, mix the flour, sugar and yeast for a minute.
2. Stop the mixer; add the salt, oil, honey, eggs and water, and mix on a slow speed for about 8 minutes, until a slightly sticky dough is obtained.
3. Cover the dough in a bowl with plastic wrap; proof in a warm place for about an hour.
4. Lightly dust your work surface with flour. Using a spatula or dough scraper, remove the dough from the bowl onto the floured surface.
5. If you are baking a loaf, fold the dough and place in a greased lined loaf pan.
If you are baking Challah, divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Roll each part into a strand. Gently transfer the three strands onto a lined baking sheet.
6. Very gently braid a three braid from the three strands. Try to handle it gently and quickly so the strands don’t fall apart.
7. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame or poppy or any other seeds that you like.
8. Cover with a light kitchen towel; proof in a warm place for an hour.
9. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 180 degrees Celsius; place a deep baking pan with boiling water at the bottom of the oven. Leave it in the oven while the bread is baking.
10. Bake for 30 minutes; allow to cool and enjoy!